Uruguay, a strategic country
Information general
It borders Brazil to the north and northeast, Argentina to the west through the Uruguay River, the Rio de la Plata to the south and the Atlantic Ocean to the east.
Strategically located in the center of MERCOSUR, Montevideo was named the capital of the regional market of 200 million consumers.
It has a temperate climate with maritime influence in the south, an average annual rainfall of 1,100 mm and an average annual temperature of 18 º C.
The maximum distances are 700 km from North to South and 600 km from East to West.
Short distances and well maintained routes make transportation times relatively short.


General figures
Total agricultural area: 16.4 million hectares.
Establishments: 57,000.
Agricultural population: 190.000.
Agricultural workers: 157,000.
Gross product of agro-industrial productions (year 2009): 3.841 million dollars.
Gross value of agricultural production (year 2009): 4,324 million dollars.
Meat and Wool Farming Figures
(2009 - agricultural year)
Agricultural and livestock surface: 13.2 million hectares.
Establishments that have cattle and/or sheep: 50,576.
Stocks of bovine animals: 11,750 thousand heads.
Stocks of ovine animals: 8,662 thousand heads. de animales ovinos: 8.662 miles de cabezas
Total annual bovine slaughter: 2009 n/a. 2008: 2.248 thousand heads.
Exported bovine meat: 391 thousand tons.
Total annual sheep slaughter: 2009s/d. 2008:1.855 thousand heads.
Sheep meat exported: 32 thousand tons.
Wool production: 38 thousand tons (2008/09) (preliminary estimate).
Cattle per inhabitant: 3.5 heads.

Bovine Dairy Figures
(2009 - agricultural year)
Agricultural surface: 800,000 hectares.
Total number of dairy farms: 4,507.
Dairy farms that send milk to industries: 3.367.
Stocks of dairy animals: 710 thousand heads.
Annual milk production: 1.694 million liters.
Milk processed in the year by the industries:1.473 million liters.
Milk exported through products: 1.230 million liters.
Internal consumption of industrial products: 494 million liters.
Coefficient of export of the total available milk: 84%.
Total processing capacity per day all industries: 9.2 million liters.
Workers in dairies (every 1000 hectares): 20 workers (enc. 2007). Milk productivity per hectare per year: 2.370 liters (enc. 2007).
Agricultural crop figures (2009/10 harvest)
Surface dedicated to agriculture: 1,160,000 hectares.
Number of establishments planting: 8,000.